WIN-SA is a network of organisations focusing on improving knowledge sharing in the water and sanitation sector, targeting local government and other decision makers. Documents are freely available, log in and select to download.

For any enquiries, please contact Ms Hlengiwe Cele.

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Innovation, research enables better water management

WADER was launched as a partnership between the WRC and the Department of Science and Technology in 2014. It was initiated to bridge the gap between the research and development and pre-commercialisation stages of innovation in the water sector. Hence, WADER should be seen as a sectoral platform for collaboration and support.

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Found 108 Results
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National Groundwater Strategy

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/05/31

Demonstrating new sanitation technologies in the Eastern Cape

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/05/31

World Toilet Day – Drawing attention to those in need

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Setting effective wastewater charges: A guide for municipalities

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Research, development and innovation Roadmap

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Nutrient and energy recovery from sewage: An integrated approach

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Natural Resource Governance Systems in South Africa

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Improving the water use efficiency and profitability of wine grapes

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Guiding municipalities towards adaptation amid projected climate change

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Ensuring reliable groundwater supply in rural areas

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

Determining the presence of PAHs in aquatic systems of Soweto/Lenasia

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2017/02/15

The role of religion in the acceptance of reclaimed water

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/26

Training the trainers – Guiding extension advisors in irrigation

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/22

The water-energy nexus in the context of climate change

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/22

Risk governance in the water services sector

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/22

Limiting and mitigating the impact of coal mines on wetlands

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/22

Ecological water requirement studies for estuaries

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/08/22

Water reclamation and communicating quality

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/06/30

Investigating the role of wetland plants in job creation

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/06/30

Improving wastewater treatment through stakeholder intervention

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/06/30

Improving the sustainability of school sanitation

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/06/30

Striving for sufficient school sanitation

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/03/03

Investigating the occurrence of Vibrio cholera in KZN surface waters

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/03/03

Conserving South African wetlands for the sake of society

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2016/03/02

Water sensitive urban design Securing Water in Urban Settlements

Content Type: WIN-SA

Published Date: 2015/10/07

WRC Report No.: Water sensitive urban design Securing Water in Urban Settlements

Page 2 of 4

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Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified Rating
   Fieldnotes September 2018
Water SA Editorial Board 2018_19
3333 downloads 1.0 Brian Seabelo 07-12-2018 9:34
cacadu karoo cluster learning journey report final
3042 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:21
Youth in Water Science book-revised
4809 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:21
WinSA_social protests
3013 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WinSA_building school toilets
3045 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WinSA_Water reclamation and communicating quality
3174 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WinSA_Stakeholder campaigns
2996 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
3008 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
Win 1 pager_sanitation
2980 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
Water for Food Security - Elizabeth Morwaswi and agricultural cooperatives in Sekhukhune
4239 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
4118 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_indigenous grain crop
3528 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_entrepreneurial development
2845 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_drug resistant organisms
2749 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Young hydrologist tackles water resource management and planning head-on, Eastern Cape (1)
2942 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Wise Wayz Water Care Project_Community Water Stewardship (1)
3311 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Wastewater charges
2977 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Tshwane volunteer interest groups keep Moreletaspruit flowing (1)
3314 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_The journey of Pontsho Maletsane, developer of an efficient irrigation system (3)
3864 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Nqobile Lushozi takes citizen science to the next level (3)
2930 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN_Mandilive Matiwane sets her entrepreneurship goals on agriculture
3082 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN 1_water use in abattoirs
5690 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN 1_water resource protection
3221 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
2807 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
Our youth re-imagining the future of water (2)
3178 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WinSA_wetlands and job creation
2761 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
2880 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:20
WIN 1_product recovery from waste systems
2849 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_indigenous riparian forest
3039 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_groundwater management
2798 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_climate and municipalities
2809 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_antibiotic resistant bacteria
2821 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_WorldToiletDay2016
2569 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_Shit flow diagram a Sanitation Game Changer
3236 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_School Sanitation Handbook for SA Schools
3674 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
2907 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_PAHs in Soweto aquatic systems
2612 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_Making Gold from faecal waste
2999 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_Knowledge Tree Award web new version
2829 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
2882 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_Celebrating Global Handwashing Day
2784 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_Black Soldier Fly eThekwini Municipality
3218 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1_ WRC World Toilet Day
3302 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_water-energy nexus
2552 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_pour flush evaluation
3205 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_mitigating impact of coal mines
2529 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_knowledge brokering and dissemination
2605 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_groundwater strategy
3528 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_exploring learner networks
2627 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_estuaries and EWRs
2543 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:19
WIN 1 pager_SASTEP
3354 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
WIN 1 pager_Risk governance in the water services sector
2587 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
WIN 1 pager_Islamic faith and reclaimed water
2501 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
WCWDM - Financial Institutional Behavioural Lessons
5457 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Vibrio cholera in KZN
2448 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Understanding the Cost of Rural Water Services-Lesson
3025 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Social Franchising Partnership Lesson
3310 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Schools Low Flush Toilet
3543 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Sanitation Upgrading -Bucket_Eradication_lesson
3691 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Sanitation Matters Issue 6 2014 - Industrial Use of Faecal Sludge For Fuel
4093 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Sanitation Matters Issue 4 - Faecal Sludge Management in Africa
7947 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Sanitation Matters Issue 3 - Health and Hygiene Focus on handwashing
3886 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Sanitaion Services in Informal Settlements
4086 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
2902 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
River Health_booklet (15)
2684 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Reducing water losses in Municipalities Key issues and pointers to implementation V2
3724 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Rain Water Harvesting
5582 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
REUSEDSM and REUSECOST - Tools for Selection and Costing of Reuse Systems
3270 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Pour Flush Western Cape-lesson
3629 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Malawi Fieldnote
2876 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
MHM Dialogues Booklet - March 2012
3536 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Kagisano Stockwatering Fieldnote
2945 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
ICTs in the water sector
3340 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:18
Household gardening tips _Food security 2017
3742 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Growing Girls (MHM) Booklet - English
2744 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Green Drop Lesson - Kruger National Park
4036 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Green Drop Hints and Tips - 2012
3111 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Green Drop Hints and Tips - 2011
3790 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Fieldnote - Drought and Floods2
2636 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Fieldnote - Behavioural Nudges2
2418 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
FSM2 - Conference Report
16203 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
FSM seminar report
22419 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Ethographic Research Methods Lesson
2713 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Enforced Rehabilitation of Urban River Reaches
2639 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
2901 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Dam safety ensuring the integrity of SAs registered dams
4677 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
DEWATS Process - Lessons From eThekwini
3502 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
CSO Bulletin- Adopt a River
5438 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
CSO Bulletin - Water Conservation and Water Demand Management
2930 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
CSO Bulletin - National Water Resource Strategy
2768 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Biomimicry for Constructed Wetlands
3701 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
Alfred Nzo Lesson - Sanitation Job Creation
3179 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17
A Costing Framework
3105 downloads 1.0 wrc-admin 07-11-2018 2:17